Current EU projects
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Advancing legal and policy reforms to enhance media integrity and protect freedom of speech

Genderizing society and security sector in BiH – GESOSS BiH

HeRuDNet – uspostava mreže za ruralni razvoj hercegovine

PCH program – Zaštita kulturne baštine u BiH uz podršku mreža organizacija civilnog društva

DIGI:MON – Praćenje i unapređenje statusa mladih kroz Digitalni centar za mlade

Smislimo, kreirajmo i usvojimo politike prema mladima

BH Green Triangle

Mreža Arhus centara za zelenu agendu i zaštitu životne sredine (AarhusGreenNet)

DISC Inkluzija osoba s invaliditetom i socijalna suradnja

LENS – Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring

Civilno društvo za integritet izbora

Platforma odgovornosti

Resursni centar za organizacije civilnog društva u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH)
Contribution of CSOs to the strategic planning of health care in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with EU standards
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